NEOS es un grupo de jóvenes solteros de 18 a 29 años, que se reúne para aprender y compartir la Biblia a fin de ser edificados y conocer plenamente la voluntad de Dios para cada área de sus vidas.
"Here I am" is a program of training and instruction for young singles with the fundamental purpose of taking the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15). Supporting the missions in evangelism.
And be a witness unto all nations as the Body of Christ that we are preparing this generation as disciples who make disciples will go wherever they are sent, so that the world may know Jesus.
Our training consists of 2 stages one that is theoretical, where they are given basic fundamentals and practice where they develop the gifts and talents that God has given them.And the second out on the mission field, serving under experienced church planters. It is a total of two months of training.
Requirements to participate in a Basic Training:
Requirement to participate in an Apostolic Training:
Contact us:
Es un programa de Adiestramiento y Capacitación para jóvenes solteros con el propósito fundamental de llevar el evangelio a toda criatura
En nuestra Escuela BÃblica Infantil, podrás conocer a otros niños que al igual que tú, van descubriendo que aunque sean pequeños pueden evangelizar a otros, que no tienen a Jesús en su corazón, para vivir una vida en bendición.