
We believe God exists and is pleased with all who draw near by faith




1.We believe God exists and is pleased with all who draw near by faith. We worship the one  Holy and loving God who is Father , Son  and Holy Spirit eternally.  God has created all things visible and invisible and has brought salvation and new life to humanity through Jesus Christ. 
2.We believe in Jesus Christ, the word of God become flesh. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the savior of the world, who has delivered us from the domination of sin and Satan and has  reconciled  us to God by his death on the cross. He rose from the dead and lives forever. He is the head of the church, the exalted Lord, the Healer, the one who baptizes in the Holy Spirit and the King of the Nations who comes to reign in glory. 
3.We believe in the Holy Spirit, the eternal Spirit of God, who dwelled in Jesus, who empowers the church, who is the source of a sanctified life in Christ, and who is poured out on those who believe as the guarantee of our redemption. 
4.We believe that all Scripture is inspired by God through the Holy Spirit for instruction in salvation and training in righteousness. We accept the Bible as the word of God, infallible, fully reliable and trustworthy standard for Christian faith and life. Led by the Holy Spirit we seek to interpret the scriptures in harmony with Jesus Christ. 
5.We believe God has created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them and the God preserves and renews what has been made.  All creation has its source outside itself and belongs to the Creator. The world was created good because God is good and provides all that is needed for life. 
6.We believe that God created human beings in the divine image. God created Adam from the dust of the earth and gave him a special dignity above all the works of creations. Human beings have been made for relationships with God, to live in peace with one another and to take care of the rest of creation. 

7.We believe that beginning with Adam and Eve humanity has disobeyed God, given place to the tempter and chosen to sin. Because of sin all have fallen short of the glory of God, disrupted order in the world and limited their love for others. Because of sin, humanity was given over to the enslaving of evil and death. 
8.We believe that only through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God offers salvation from sin and new life. We receive God´s salvation when we repent and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We are then reconciled with God through the blood of Jesus. We place our faith in God that by the same power that raised Jesus from the dead we may be saved to follow Christ and to know the fullness of salvation. 
9.We believe that the Church is the holy assembly of all those who have received salvation in Jesus Christ. The church, the body of Christ, is a holy nation and a witness to the world. The church is a community of disciples called to line in obedience to the Head, Jesus Christ. 
10.We believe the church is called to proclaim and be a sign of the kingdom of God. Christ has commissioned his church to be witnesses, making disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to observe all things he has commended. 
11.We believe that water baptism is for believers and is a sign of their cleansing from sin. Baptism is also a commitment before the church to walk in the way of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.  
12.We believe the Lord´s supper is a sign by which the church thankfully remembers the new covenant which Jesus established by his death. In this time of communion we renew our covenant with God and with each other. We proclaim the Lord´s death until he comes. 
13.We believe that in washing the feet of his disciples Jesus calls us to serve one another just as He did. We also acknowledge our frequent need of cleansing and renew our willingness to let go of pride and worldly power and we offer our lives in humble service and sacrificial love. 
14.We practice discipline in the church as a sign of God´s transforming grace. Discipline is intended to liberate erring brothers and sisters from sin and to restore them to a right relationship and to fellowship with the church. Discipline also gives integrity to the church´s witness to the world.  
15.We believe the ministry is a continuation of Christ work, who gives gifts to all believers and empowers them to serve the church and evangelize the world. We also believe God calls persons to specific leadership offices. All who called into ministry are accountable to God and before the faith community. 
16.We believe that Jesus Christ has called to discipleship, to take up our cross and follow him. Through the gift of God´s saving grace, we are empowered to be disciples of Jesus, filled with his Spirit; we follow his teachings to new life. We are being transformed into his image and we separate ourselves from the evil in the world. 
17.We believe that the to be a disciple of Jesus Christ is to know the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is present and active in individual and communal worship, leading into deeper experiences with God´s presence. 
18.We believe that God intends human life to begin in families and to be blessed throughout all generations. We are called to raise our children in the discipline, instruction and love of the Lord and to be faithful to the marriage covenant. Also, God desires that all people become members of the church which is the family of God. 
19.We commit ourselves to tell the truth and to give a simple yes or no, and to avoid swearing of oaths. 

20.We believe that all we have belongs to God who has called us to be faithful stewards. The tithe and voluntary offerings are the wisdom of God to bless his people and to provide for full time workers.  
21.We believe that peace is the will of God. God´s peace is most fully revealed in Jesus Christ who is our peace and the peace of the whole world. Led by the Holy Spirit, we follow Christ in the way of peace, doing justice, and practicing reconciliation even in the face of violence. 
22.We place our hope in the eternal reign of God and in its fulfillment in the day when Christ will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead; He will gather his bride, the church, those who are already living according to his kingdom. We await the final victory the end of this present evil age, the resurrection of the dead and the appearance of a new heaven and a new earth. There the people of God will worship and reign with Christ in justice, righteousness and peace forever. 


Church of Jesus Christ

Adaptado de Confesión de Fe en una perspectiva Menonita de la versión Español 2000

Herald Press.



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