School of Ministries


All who belong to the School of Ministries have before the Lord a true spiritual commitment. It´s time to discover and develop our spiritual abilities. 
The apostle Paul, writing to the Romans encourages them to exercise the gifts and ministries that he mentions and then says "not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.” 
I exhort you brothers to pray for the Lord to give us revelation and inspiration, that our Church can be full of ministries and charismas. 

The objectives are: 

  • Students know God in a personal way, and love him with all their heart. 
  • That students have a relationship with Jesus Christ with foundations in his word. 
  • That they have sensitivity to the Holy Spirit through a life of prayer. 
  • They can be trained in a practical and spiritual ways to participate in Christ's   body. 
  • That develop the spiritual gifts and natural talents that God has given them. 

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catholic church

En nuestra Escuela Bíblica Infantil, podrás conocer a otros niños que al igual que tú, van descubriendo que aunque sean pequeños pueden evangelizar a otros, que no tienen a Jesús en su corazón, para vivir una vida en bendición.

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catholic church

Es un programa de Adiestramiento y Capacitación para jóvenes solteros con el propósito fundamental de llevar el evangelio a toda criatura

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catholic church

Dios es fiel; que no os dejará ser tentados más de lo que pueden soportar.

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